Section: Immunology
3.7 Tumor Testing and Transplantation

[1 / 20] Percentage of correct responses: 0 % ( 0 of 0 )

What is an advantage of performing a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer?
PSA is stable in serum and not affected by a digital-rectal examination
PSA is increased only in prostatic malignancy
A normal serum level rules out malignant prostatic disease
The percentage of free PSA is elevated in persons with malignant disease

$question=$_POST["question"] ; if ($_POST["Randon"]==0){ if($randomizequestions =="yes"){$randval = mt_rand(1,$max);}else{$randval=1;} $randval2 = $randval; }else{ $randval=$_POST["Randon"]; $randval2=$_POST["Randon"] + $question; if ($randval2>$max){ $randval2=$randval2-$max; } } $ok=$_POST["ok"] ; if ($question==0){ $question=0; $ok=0; $percentaje=0; }else{ $percentaje= Round(100*$ok / $question); } ?> 3.7 Tumor Testing and Transplantation - Multiple Choice Questions: What is an advantage of performing a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer?

Section: Immunology
3.7 Tumor Testing and Transplantation

[1 / 20] Percentage of correct responses: 0 % ( 0 of 0 )

What is an advantage of performing a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer?
PSA is stable in serum and not affected by a digital-rectal examination
PSA is increased only in prostatic malignancy
A normal serum level rules out malignant prostatic disease
The percentage of free PSA is elevated in persons with malignant disease